NAMI of Kenosha County is able to continue to offer their services FREE of charge to participants through the generosity of those who donate to our organization. Does your employer offer Corporate Matching Funds? Make your gift doubly beneficial by asking your HR department if they will match your donation!
NAMI of Kenosha County is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are fully tax-deductible, and upon request we will gladly furnish a receipt for your records. NAMI of Kenosha County can accept donations by cash, check, or money order. Our EIN (Employer Identification Number - also known as a federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) is 39-1645477.
Please send your donation by mail to:
NAMI of Kenosha County
P.O. Box 631
Kenosha, WI 53141
Every dollar makes a significant impact for our community and those we aim to support. We thank you for your generosity.
Ways to Give
There are so many ways you can help NAMI Kenosha County continue making a difference in the lives of people with mental illness and their families. We have several programs donors can utilize in making their gifts, including general donations, memorials and honorariums, workplace giving, planned giving, and endowment giving. A variety of options are explained in more detail below.
Tribute Gifts: Honorary and Memorial Giving
You can contribute to NAMI Kenosha County in honor of someone special in your life or in memory of a lost loved one. You can make an honorary or memorial gift online, by mail or on the phone.
Workplace Giving and Matching Gifts
Many employers offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Many programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift. Contact your employer to see if they have a matching gift program.
Planned Giving
One of the most meaningful and easiest gifts you can make is through a bequest to NAMI Kenosha County. A bequest is a gift you pass to a person or entity through your will. Charitable bequests are unique in that they enjoy deductions from federal and most state inheritance taxes. Your financial planner can provide you with assistance.
If you do decide to make a charitable bequest to our organization, you will need to choose the type of bequest that best suits your particular needs and wishes.
- Specific bequest: While this may take the form of an exact dollar amount, it could be a specific asset from your estate such as stocks, bonds, life insurance or real estate.
- Percentage bequest: A bequest may be expressed as a percentage of your estate. Expressed in this way, your wishes are guaranteed regardless of whether your estate grows larger or smaller over time.
- Contingent bequest: Certain criteria must be met before a contingent bequest is satisfied. For example, you might designate that we receive all or some of your estate only in the event you outlive your primary beneficiaries. This language protects your estate from litigation or from distribution to unintended parties.
- Restricted bequest: You may wish to restrict your bequest for a specific purpose or NAMI Kenosha County program.
Please consult your financial advisor for more information on planned giving.
Generous Donations
A Big Thank You to Herzing University!

On July 19, 2019 Herzing University held a Fundraiser for NAMI Kenosha County called "Be The Light: Mental Health Awareness". We are so grateful for their generosity! Members of NAMI were also on hand to raise awareness of mental health issues during the fundraiser.
Talulah Tattoo
Talulah Tattoo’s third annual Friday the 13th Fundraiser
All proceeds from this year's event were donated to NAMI Kenosha County!

HuHot Cares

On March 7, 2018 NAMI Kenosha County participated in HuHot’s HuCares Program. The Mongolian Grill of Kenosha invited our nonprofit organization to share in the evening’s profits. Members of NAMI were also on hand to raise awareness of mental health issues.